Aug 20 2012

Despite the popularity of our new video which was released last month, we’re grounded enough to know we are far from film stars. That doesn’t mean we can’t work with the great and the good of the movie world however, and we were delighted to send an installation team to Shepperton Studios recently, where we applied window film to the set of the latest in the popular series of ‘Fast and Furious’ films.

Filming of the sixth installment is now underway at the studios in Surrey, but before the Hollywood stars descended, we sent a team of
installers to site to fit printed film to a number of glazed parts of the set.

The film was an optically clear product, with a graduated printed fade from the bottom up, changing from a solid block of colour to increasingly small circular pattern before fading out completely. The pattern was printed in a range of colours for the different applications throughout the set. By printing on optically clear film, it was possible to create an intricate design that doesn’t require cutting and weeding, ensuring that the pattern is recreated perfectly whilst also allowing for a more straightforward and efficient installation process.

With The Window Film Company having also provided film for the critically acclaimed Batman film ‘The Dark Knight’ we’re looking forward to having another excuse to head off to the cinema to admire our handy work!

Despite our brief brush with fame, you don’t need to be a Hollywood hotshot to make the most of the products and services we provide. Please get in touch by calling 01494 794477 and let us talk you through the ways in which we can bring your windows and glass to life.