May 15 2013

A team of colleagues from The Window Film Company are enjoying being back on more familiar territory having completed the world’s biggest obstacle course for charity.

Adrian Rollason, JJ O’Neil, Micky Calcott and Andy Parkin all completed the gruelling challenge which included a 13 mile run over 150 obstacles, and the team were delighted to cross the finish line in well under four hours. The demanding course required the competitors to navigate stretches of water, climb through, over and under a range of barriers as well as running and crawling through mud and a range of other unpleasant terrains!

In speaking about the event, Operations Manager Adrian Rollason said:

“We’d all trained hard ahead of the event, but it’s difficult to be totally prepared for an event so tough and varied as this. As well as the run, there were hundreds of obstacles that posed us all challenges, and we were delighted to get round. Each of us had a rough patch throughout the course, but we helped each other along and a combination of determination and team-work made sure we got to the finish together, and in a decent time. It was messy, muddy and challenging, but overall it was a huge amount of fun. As well as enjoying a really unique experience, we raised a decent amount of money for charity, so we’re pleased with our efforts. We’ll definitely be back next year to try and better our time!”

The intrepid quartet each raised money for charity, with Company Director Micky and Senior Account Manager Andy combining to raise over £900 for the Hospice of St Francis, based in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire.

The Hospice provides professional support and care for people with terminal illness, providing peace, comfort and dignity, whilst helping those affected to enjoy their lives as much as possible.

If you would like to donate, both you can visit Micky’s or Andy’s sponsorship page to do so. For more information about The Hospice of St Francis, please visit www.stfrancis.org.uk