Jun 03 2016

A trip to the dentist probably doesn’t feature too highly on anyone’s list of places to visit, but when a trip is necessary you’d be forgiven for wanting the surgery to be as welcoming and comfortable as possible. A Bedfordshire dental practice recognised this need and contacted The Window Film Company to deliver on three separate requirements.

The three components of the job were very different, but could all be solved using products created, supplied and installed by The Window Film Company.


The prominent street-side location of the surgery combined with a large glazed frontage meant that passers-by got an interrupted view into the property. The decision was taken that patients would feel more comfortable if they weren’t visible from the street during their visit. We were able to suggest Frostbrite frosted film as a solution. Once applied, the film delivers the appearance of acid etched or sandblasted glass, blocking the view from both sides of the glass, whilst still allowing natural light to flood through the glass.

Branding and Display

The second part of the project was to use the glazing for branding and decorative purposes. This was another reason for selecting Frostbrite frosted film; it provides an excellent surface for printing onto, with graphics reproduced in perfect details and bright vibrant colours.


Glare can be an issue all year round. The angle or strength of sunlight can create an uncomfortable internal environment, making it difficult to focus on work or colleagues without straining the eyes. The practice identified six windows that were giving rise to glare issues and a solution was sought that would reduce the bright light but would still allow for a view to the exterior. The Window Film Company suggested Optiview – a highly developed range of films that deliver excellent heat and glare reduction.

It was agreed that Optiview 15 was the best film for this particular job, as it reduces glare by up to 86%. In addition, it blocks high levels of harmful UV rays, one of the key causes of fading.

The graphical elements of the job were created using artwork supplied by the client. All printing is carried out by The Window Film Company’s in house graphics and print team, with each job fully proofed and samples supplied. The film was to be installed to the internal face of the glass, so each panel was printed “in reverse” so that the imagery and text would be legible for passers-by and visitors.

Each panel was cut, printed and hand finished before being despatched with one of our fully qualified and experienced fitting teams. The work was carried out at a time specifically agreed to result in the minimum of disruption, with both the graphics and glare reduction film applied in a time effective and professional fashion.

With the film installed, the transformation was immediate and striking. The graphics ensured that the practice looked professional and welcoming, whilst delivering privacy for those inside the building. The glare control window film was effective immediately; giving the external face of the glazing a sleek and stylish mirrored appearance, whilst virtually eradicating the glare.

For more information on the range of printed graphics, glare reduction film and other products and services provided throughout the UK by The Window Film Company, please contact a member of the team on 01494 794477 or email