Nov 11 2022

Shop fronts are a vital part of a retailers premises. They provide an opportunity to showcase the stock inside and offer a way of adding eye-catching signage and branding. Sometimes however, large expanses of glass can provide a challenge, requiring a temporary change in appearance like in this case, where privacy was required while the store underwent a refurbishment inside.

Usually it’s important for retailers that windows provide a view to the inside. This allows customers to see what’s on offer within, while also allowing natural light to pass through the glass, helping to ensure a bright and enjoyable internal environment. On occasion however, it isn’t appropriate or helpful for the public to see inside, with this project the perfect example. With building work going on inside the premises ahead of the official opening, it was important that the inside was temporarily shielded from view. The Window Film Company was approached to deliver a solution.

The brief for the project was to add a temporary, bespoke privacy solution to the external face of the shopfront in London, comprising 8 large panels. The film was required to block the view entirely, with the words “Coming Soon” incorporated onto the film, ensuring that customers and passers by would be aware of the impending opening.

It was agreed that a matt black vinyl would be the ideal film. This film was chosen as it is long lasting and durable; ideal for an external installation. It also delivers 100% privacy, blocking the view from both sides of the glass. In addition to these two benefits, it also provides an excellent surface on which to print, allowing for the necessary addition of bespoke graphics.

The “Coming Soon” text was printed onto the film by The Window Film Company’s in-house print and graphics department, using wide format printers to print the text in brilliant white onto the film. After printing the film, it was precision cut by state of the art computer cutting equipment to ensure each panel was the perfect size.

The film was then installed to the outside face of the glass by a team of The Window Film Company’s experienced and fully qualified fitting teams, delivering an immediate and stylish privacy solution that could be removed once the work inside was complete.

For more information on how The Window Film Company can add bespoke printed graphics and privacy solutions to your premises and property, please contact a member of the team by calling 01494 794477 or email info@windowfilm.co.uk.